About Us

Welcome to the VisMax Supplements

Vis Max is Latin for Full Force – so full force supplements – and that is exactly what is intended to be our products!  No fluff, no filler, just high quality supplements at affordable prices!

 As someone who has been a life long gym fanatic from the age of 16 – so for 34 years (I’ll let you do the math!)!  I have been in and out of many gyms and tried many different supplements over the years.  However, have remained completely natural and away from androgen or any other anabolic PEDs.  Using this knowledge and frustration of finding on point quality supplements (at decent prices) in the Insta, influencer age I decided to find my own!  

Hence, VisMax Supplements was born!  Quality Turkesterone and Beta Ecdysterone are the first cabs off the rank and more will be added as things pickup!

Unlike most Supplement sellers I source all the supplements directly along with regularly use them myself and I also run the website!  So all the overheads are kept to a minimum to provided the best pricing but also if it doesn’t work I won’t be selling it!  Quality over Quantity! 

So please let me know if there is a natural supplement that you would like to see added and I will track it down, review and speak with suppliers! 

